The land and streams that form the Grass River Natural Area are waiting for you to explore. You can start by downloading a map that shows the trails that wind through the different types of habitat.
To appreciate the diversity of flora and fauna that live in the natural area, peruse the list of native inhabitants so you can look out for them as you explore.
Our professional staff are not the only experts that keep tabs on the natural area. We partner with researchers to monitor water quality and engage in other scientific activities, using the natural area as a living laboratory.
When you venture into the natural area to explore its wonders, don’t forget to take your camera. Our photo gallery illustrates some of the beauty that awaits you.
Before you load everyone into the car, including the family dog, please pay special attention to the GRNA pet policy. There are some important restrictions that you should know about before bringing Fido along.
Whether you are a hunter or a frequent visitor, you should also make yourself aware of which parts of the natural area are open to hunting.